Saturday, August 30, 2008

Harborfest Friday

The kiddie parade is this morn and I'm the can man, have to get going early.
Mark and the kids are here, is the bro in law and the kids are Ant and Elly, Elly is 6 mts older than Sky and they're bestest buds.
I love being the can man, it's fun... all the kiddies want to say hi and get their pics taken.
That and messin' with people, cause they don't know who's in the can suit.
I have 3 lovely helpers this year unlike last year where I had two dudes and they were watching for lovelies...... The one gal stays with me all the time, oh to be 21 again....
She spots the kiddies and aims me where I should toss T shirts.

Joan Jet is playing at the park, 9pmish, Sky and I and her other Grandparents head up, ma stays home and entertains. Big crowd, we get where we can see, Sky loves it, the people the tunes. Her older stuff was received better by the younger folk, we all knew the words....
Another day of Festering but tomorrow is the BIG for Sky and Elly, it's midway time.

one last beer and bed time...

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