Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well it's Sunday and the fest is all but over, 4 days ya know, the last full weekend of July.
Sky is sluggish, up early, out late.
She. why is it over?
me. it's only 4 days..
she. how come?
me . it is what it is, and everyone had to get back to work tomorrow.
she. you're fireworks were good, I really liked them.

her mom told her they we did them for her bday, which happens during the fest.

me. yeapper they were weren't they.
she. do you have any more?
me. nope, used them all up last night, have to save up for next year. *little white lies*
she. can I come back next year?
me. yes dear this home is your home, you can always come here..

Ma gets her in the tub and shortly shes gone, back to her dads....

Me and the dog are left sitting here on the deck, watching and thinking...
a long time coming and over so quickly..... time to clean up

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