Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well it's Sunday and the fest is all but over, 4 days ya know, the last full weekend of July.
Sky is sluggish, up early, out late.
She. why is it over?
me. it's only 4 days..
she. how come?
me . it is what it is, and everyone had to get back to work tomorrow.
she. you're fireworks were good, I really liked them.

her mom told her they we did them for her bday, which happens during the fest.

me. yeapper they were weren't they.
she. do you have any more?
me. nope, used them all up last night, have to save up for next year. *little white lies*
she. can I come back next year?
me. yes dear this home is your home, you can always come here..

Ma gets her in the tub and shortly shes gone, back to her dads....

Me and the dog are left sitting here on the deck, watching and thinking...
a long time coming and over so quickly..... time to clean up

Saturday... time to take the rides

It's time to do the rides and the kids are ready.
Mark, Elly, Sky and me head down to the river where we pick up the water taxi.
It's new this year cause the bridge is being worked on, 2 boats holding about 50 people running back and forth ferrying festers from east to west.
We get our tickets and it's to the fun house, the girls love it for whatever reason.
After going through it about 20 times it's on the other rides, spinning, twisting, laughing....
good times yes good times.
As it starts raining, again we catch the trolley, change to the downtown bus to cross the river another trolley and we're back home.

Fire works tonight, it's the big draw, streets blocked off, no traffic, walkers with strollers and coolers, right across the street from the house over the lake. The change is glued to the sidewalk,
the dollar is taped to a new string, we're good to go.
No drinking and driving tonight, I'm already home.
Ant's here shaking beers, the whole fam damily here, chairs, coolers, popcorn, treats it's all good.... I'm in my glory, only one person missing but she's here in spirit, Skys mom, my baby, she loved this too.
We're treated with a great fireworks display, man make and by mother nature, flashing lighting in the background, there are pics out there somewhere.
45 mins and it's all over, it's back to people watching.
The ones that went up the hill are now heading back down and the ones the went down are heading up. huh makes me wonder, but hey I just sittin here on my deck enjoying a beer and watching the cheer...

Harborfest Friday

The kiddie parade is this morn and I'm the can man, have to get going early.
Mark and the kids are here, is the bro in law and the kids are Ant and Elly, Elly is 6 mts older than Sky and they're bestest buds.
I love being the can man, it's fun... all the kiddies want to say hi and get their pics taken.
That and messin' with people, cause they don't know who's in the can suit.
I have 3 lovely helpers this year unlike last year where I had two dudes and they were watching for lovelies...... The one gal stays with me all the time, oh to be 21 again....
She spots the kiddies and aims me where I should toss T shirts.

Joan Jet is playing at the park, 9pmish, Sky and I and her other Grandparents head up, ma stays home and entertains. Big crowd, we get where we can see, Sky loves it, the people the tunes. Her older stuff was received better by the younger folk, we all knew the words....
Another day of Festering but tomorrow is the BIG for Sky and Elly, it's midway time.

one last beer and bed time...

gone fishing

my fishin' fashion statment 07....